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DTN Closing Grain Comments    01/15 13:53
   Results Mixed in Midweek Commodities Trade

   Ag markets shrugged off Tuesday's sluggish session for the most part to
trade mixed Wednesday. The rampant buying spree following Friday's USDA release
may have subsided for now, but overall markets still appear to be well
supported given current market fundamentals outlined on Friday by the
government as well as ongoing weather uncertainty in South America. Outside
markets Wednesday were mostly a positive influence on the ag complex as
inflation data came in with mixed results. Overall Consumer Price Index (CPI)
was still relatively high at 2.9%, year-over-year, but core-CPI, which excludes
energy and food costs, was quite a bit cooler. This sparked a rally in equities
Wednesday with the Dow Jones Industrial Average up near 700 points for most of
the day.

Rhett Montgomery
DTN Lead Analyst


   March corn closed up 4 1/4 cents and May corn was up 3 1/4 cents. March
soybeans closed down 4 3/4 cents and May soybeans were down 6 cents. March KC
wheat closed down 3 1/4 cents, March Chicago wheat was up 3/4 cents, March
Minneapolis wheat was down 2 cents.
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