Name Sym Prev Open High Low Last Trade Change Last Update
CORN  Dec 24 @C4Z 426'0 426'0 427'4 425'6 427'2 1'2 7:05P Oct 07
CORN  Mar 25 @C5H 442'6 442'4 444'2 442'4 444'0 1'2 7:05P Oct 07
CORN  May 25 @C5K 451'4 451'4 452'4 451'2 452'4 1'0 7:05P Oct 07
CORN  Jul 25 @C5N 456'6 456'6 457'6 456'4 457'6 1'0 7:05P Oct 07
CORN  Sep 25 @C5U 450'2 450'4 451'0 450'4 451'0 0'6 7:05P Oct 07
CORN  Dec 25 @C5Z 455'4 455'0 456'0 454'6 456'0 0'4 7:05P Oct 07
CORN  Mar 26 @C6H 466'0 466'2 466'4 466'2 466'4 0'4 7:05P Oct 07
CORN  May 26 @C6K 471'6 470'4 0'0 1:15P Oct 07
CORN  Jul 26 @C6N 475'0 475'0 0'0 1:19P Oct 07
SOYBEANS  Nov 24 @S4X 1034'0 1032'4 1035'0 1031'0 1034'6 0'6 7:05P Oct 07
SOYBEANS  Jan 25 @S5F 1052'4 1051'4 1053'2 1049'4 1053'2 0'6 7:05P Oct 07
SOYBEANS  Mar 25 @S5H 1067'6 1066'0 1068'0 1065'0 1067'6 0'0 7:05P Oct 07
SOYBEANS  May 25 @S5K 1082'4 1080'2 1083'0 1079'6 1083'0 0'4 7:05P Oct 07
SOYBEANS  Jul 25 @S5N 1093'0 1092'0 1094'0 1090'4 1094'0 1'0 7:05P Oct 07
SOYBEANS  Aug 25 @S5Q 1092'4 1090'0 1090'0 1090'0 1090'0 -2'4 7:00P Oct 07
SOYBEANS  Sep 25 @S5U 1080'6 1081'0 0'2 1:18P Oct 07
SOYBEANS  Nov 25 @S5X 1080'6 1080'6 1082'0 1080'6 1082'0 1'2 7:05P Oct 07
SOYBEANS  Jan 26 @S6F 1092'0 1092'0 0'0 1:15P Oct 07
LIVE CATTLE  Oct 24 @LE4V 187.000 187.050 187.975 187.000 187.850 0.475 1:04P Oct 07
LIVE CATTLE  Dec 24 @LE4Z 187.000 187.000 187.550 186.550 187.200 0.025 1:04P Oct 07
LIVE CATTLE  Feb 25 @LE5G 187.950 187.925 188.475 187.575 188.375 0.350 1:04P Oct 07
LEAN HOGS  Oct 24 @HE4V 84.025 83.850 84.050 83.625 84.000 -0.050 1:04P Oct 07
LEAN HOGS  Dec 24 @HE4Z 76.150 76.000 77.350 75.775 76.875 0.675 1:04P Oct 07
LEAN HOGS  Feb 25 @HE5G 79.825 79.625 81.000 79.550 80.550 0.775 1:04P Oct 07

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Exchange:  CBOT
Last Trade:  426'2
Change:  0'2
Bid:  426'2
Ask:  426'4
Today's High:  426'4
Today's Low:  425'6
Volume:  144,404
Open:  426'0
Settle:  426'0
Prev:  426'0
Contract High: 
Contract Low: 
Updated:  Oct-07-2024
Delay Time:  10 Minutes

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Posted at Friday, October 4, 2024 11:04AM CDT
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